
A is For...

Jake Lloyd portrayed 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker
Jake Lloyd portrayed 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I decided to participate in the A-Z Blog Post Challenge. So I must post a minimum of 26 times this month from A-Z.  The basic idea is that, from today (April 1st) and every day until the end of the month (excluding Sundays) a blog post must be made according to a different letter of the alphabet. So, today is day A, tomorrow is day B and so on. There are other bloggers that are going to blogging randomly, but not this droid. I am going with a theme for the entire challenge.

My theme will be Star Wars.

So I guess I am going to get on with the alphabet already.:) Today's posts will be  is  A for Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin was suppose to be the Chosen One for the Jedi Order. The prophecy of the Chosen One was an ancient Jedi legend that foretold the coming of a being who would restore balance to the Force. The Jedi Order thought that Anakin could  destroy the Sith, which was why the Jedi Council chose to bend the Jedi Code and permit his training.

He also was one to carry grudges and was vengeful, but he commonly held these two traits in check. He also hated being treated unjustly or being wrongly accused. He was fiercely loyal, doing anything to keep those he was close to from harm, at any cost.

With the attitude it did not sit well with the Jedi Order. His belief in them was shattered more and more as Skywalker's closest friend, Palpatine(the Emperor), swayed him from trusting them. Slowly, his bond with everyone except the Emperor.

In the end, I hope that this not spoiling anything for anyone. Anakin become Darth Vader the most powerful Sith the galaxy has ever known.

What are your thoughts of the events that took place of Anakin becoming Darth Vader?
David Prowse as Darth Vader in The Empire Stri...
David Prowse as Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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  1. Being a Geeky Momma and Star Wars fan, I'm thrilled to find your blog! ☺ I think Anakin is a product of his environment and experiences. He was subjected to miserable circumstances, and lost those he loved at an early age. His childhood character has endearing qualities that make it difficult for us to not like him. Too bad he grows up to be Darth Vader.

    Looking forward to reading your posts in the Challenge. Happy Sunday! ☺

    1. I agree with you with the your assessment.Anakin is a product of the environment that he endure during his younger years. For example, like the way that he lost his mom.

  2. Oooh I love your theme! This will be fun!

    Konstanz Silverbow
    A to Z Co-host

  3. Excellent choice for the challenge!

    His and Luke's journeys are very similar - the only reason Luke didn't finally turn to the dark side is because he knew what it did to people.

    Jamie Gibbs
    A-Z Buddy
    Mithril Wisdom

  4. Cool choice! Can't wait to see you alphabetise Star Wars!

  5. I like the character of Anakin, but I really wish they had chosen better actors for both portrayals of him.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  6. I prefer Anakin in the Clone Wars Series rather than the movies.
    They've been able to develop his character so that it isn't just a case of him wandering around the galaxy asking "can I kill everyone? am I evil yet?"

  7. OOooooooh! I am excited to follow this blog. I love me some Star Wars. A geek after my own heart.

    Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to more A to Z goodness!

  8. I pitied Anakin until I hated Hayden Christensen so much that I wanted to kill his episodes with fire. I demand a do-over. >.<

    New follower :-)
    Kayla @ Bibliophilia, Please

  9. Believe or not, I never watched Star Wars. I bet I will learn a lot if I follow you for a month...


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