
Not Sure what is Up...

I am not that sure if it is because I am getting older or what. 5 years ago...I BARELY touched a non-fiction book. Now it seems that I have been gravitating more and more to read non-fiction books. Well at least historical fiction.  This is what is keeping my interest as of late. I read sci-fi/fantasy, but it is usually in the audio format.

So I am unsure if I am coming of Age or what is going on? I was wondering if any of you have gone through the same type of a different book taste(s)?


Food Inc.by Participant Mediaon

Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer-And What You Can Do About ItTitle:Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer-And What You Can Do About It
Author: Participant Media
Rating:  4/5

Review Summary:
I will be honest I saw the documentary a couple years back and I loved it. I am not that sure what took so long for me to FINALLY pick up this book.

This book is an anthology of articles and essays on the topic of food production in the U.S. It is a companion book to the recent documentary of the same name.

I really liked this book, if you want to learn about the food that US food industry is feeds us this is great starting point. I goes into the backgrounds of so many industries. It shows how large of a roll the politics does place in the food industry.

in the end the morale of the book is it is out choice. Choose wisely, and educate yourself about where our 'food' comes from. It is horrifying. The good news is, you can opt out of this system today. The bad news is, you probably won't. I know that it's been difficult for me to change many years of bad eating habits. I've made some real progress, but I still have a long way to go.


What Book Has My Attention Monday?

It is a rule of mine that library books take priority over owned books. I think that is due to the fact I try to get the books returned in a "reasonable" amount of time. With that being said, I am going to start each week with what I am reading.

I am reading, Food Inc. I am loving the book so much. I do recommend this book to anyone that eats food from the USA. While reading this book you will be astoundnded what the food and the animal go through to get the food to you plate. I am only 1'3 of the way through it. I have learned so much already.


The Sickyies

Uggh...the whatever bug it is has hit my realm over here. So glad for that wonderful new. I am getting over it(that you for a good immune system) other the hand my wife and sicker than a dog, in which a quite common everytime. She frequently asks me to take a gun and take her out of her misery. My respoinse is then who will take care of Aquagirl :) I am terrible... I to find humor in ever situation. Even if it might get me killed.

At the moment, I am slugging along with The Name of the Wind. I hope that I can get through it this time. I tried last year and life was getting so damn busy. Working 50+ hours a week does not help either.


AudioFiles: Legend by Marie Lu

Legend (Legend, #1)Title:Legend
Author: Marie Lu
Series: Legend
 Published by: November 29th 2011 by Putnam Juvenile
 Genres: Young Adult, Sci-fi 
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am glad that I listened to this one. I heard that in print the text alter every other chapter. This is an interesting book to say the least. The main thing I really like about Legend was the way the traditional gender roles were reversed. I usually find young adult dystopian fiction centers around a strong female character who is generally poor or disadvantaged by the current society. If there's a love interest, he's usually more well off and more integrated into the system. In this novel, and however, it is a male character (Day) a notorious criminal who is the most wanted ciminal by the Republic. and its the female character (June) is an exceptionally gifted prodigy who is being groomed to become a military star.

I wish that in the book they would tell a background story of how and when the Republic and the Colonies breakup. What were the circumstances that caused the conflict. This book was like The Game of Thrones with the reader in the point of the view of June and Day after every chapter.

In this book there is plenty of action and some unique twists throughout this adventure. It was a great beginning of the Legend Series.

2004 Lena Girls State Trip

  This past weekend was something new for us. We decided to go to HS Girls State Basketball this year. It made it extra special that an area...