

I just wanted to let everyone or whomever that reads my blog. That I am going to changing my daughters pseudonym to Aquagirl. Instead  JTW. So why Aquagirl. This girl is love with the water as I have always been. So why not name after a famous comic book heroine.


Serious Discussing

My wife and I have had some serious discussions about dropping our DirecTv altogether. We are getting a little sick of the bouncing bill. there is nothing that is constant in the bill. Well the only constant is that it keeps going upwards. Also not to mention that the Directv customer service sucks. I would still like to know where they some of these people that they employ in their call center.

So we are thinking of cutting Directv and going with Netflix. We are not the type of people that need to watch our favorite series right away. So we are going to the Netflix route and we are will be saving pretty close to $70 a month doing this transition.

Now all I have to do is get a outdoor antenna mount it on the roof of out 2 story house(fun fun), in order to receive our local channels. I cannot hardly wait for this project to happen. I will keep everyone posted on the process of De-Directving my house.

I was just wondering has anyone else considered this move if so, did you follow through with it?
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Happy Independence Day

I was sitting back and thinking of a post that I should put together with the celebration of the North defeating the South in the Civil War. This clip right here is the one that flashed through my head.

This is probably one of the best and inspiration speeches that a fictional president has ever given to his country. It is even better knowing that Mr. President was up there fighting with all the other pilots as well.
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Summer Reading?

With me seeing the people in the library then some of the immediate family. I usually do the adult summer reading program that they offer. I do usually wonder why do they do a Summer Reading Program? I for one, as I am sure so many other people are limited to the amount of time that they have in the summer. It is usually nice outside, so means that people are busy.

I have so many projects taking place such as:
  • the beloved garden
  • laying down mulch
  • new annual flower(THANK YOU)
  • clothes line
  • chasing around a 1 year old
This is just the tip of the iceberg to be tackled. So I usually question: why not have a Winter Reading Program instead? I know that the little kiddos are in school and suck and thy CLAIM they do not have time. They do have time to play the Wii and watch hours of TV.
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It sort of got me to wonder? I was also wondering how many of you are involving in a Summer Reading Program as well?

2004 Lena Girls State Trip

  This past weekend was something new for us. We decided to go to HS Girls State Basketball this year. It made it extra special that an area...