
First the Snow now the Cold

 In the month of December it was in the 40s  and it barely snow at all in the last month of year. It was unfortunate that the kids was not able to enjoy a white Christmas and new year. 

Good ol Mother Nature decided that this week that she has some catching up to do. We received about 10-12" this past week. The littles had fun outside playing with fresh snow. The goofballs on Saturday, it was their quest(I guess) to stay in there PJs all day long. The little things in life I guess. 

Now it is coldness and wild chills decided to come on in. It is the time for deceiving views while you look outside. It feels like it is -20 to -30 outside. It is the season to layer up every time you go outside even to walk to the car or bring the dog out.


During this time it the sounds of come out during this time when the temps plummet well below zero.The crunching of the snow and ice is natures music.

Sadly, during these temps the kids are not allowed to go outside and play for their recess. After, the school day they have PLENTY of energy when they get home. They will be racing around like a squirrel that just drank Red Bull.😂

It  should be another week or so of the subzero temps. Then who knows what the weather will bring. 

Remember that winter is the time to reset/restart to start out a new season. 


Crazy Weekend


It was quite the weekend this weekend. We figured that it was going to be a crazy one, but that is to be expected anymore especially during the winter. It was the weekend of the Coleman Youth Wrestling Tourney. 

Avia and Silas did great. We are so proud of how then. All we asked was for them to fight and wrestle from whistle to whistle. Avia had a goal coming into this season to get a pin and that she did in her 2nd match. Silas won 2(one was a pin) of his 3 matches. 
After a long day of wrestling, Silas had a birthday party so we lazed around until it was time to pick him up. 

In the evening, they played outside for a good hour or so in the fresh snow that we got Friday Night. It was the first snowfall of the season. Sure is a strange year not having a real snowfall til the 1st week in January. 

Then today, the littles had basketball practice this morning. Jenn and I went out for breakfast to a new place for us. Then in the late morning I took down the indoor Christmas decorations. 

Ava was happy that there was a softball open gym tonight. So her and Avia did that tonight. It was nice for some of the girls to knock off some of the rust off and start getting back into the game shape. 

I appreciate you all for stopping by :)

2004 Lena Girls State Trip

  This past weekend was something new for us. We decided to go to HS Girls State Basketball this year. It made it extra special that an area...