
Crazy Week

I cannot believe that in about a month that our family will be welcoming our new edition into the world. I for one am not that sure where ALL that time goes. It just seems like yesterday that we found out that we were FINALLY pregnant.With all that appointments with the fertility clinic(which we are lucky to have great insurance) and failed tests. It came true…perfect timing.

This week we have been busy making freezer meals for when the baby come and we are more prepared compared to where we were when our daughter came into the world. I think that we are set for almost 2 months of meals. 

At the mid point of the week, we had a growth ultrasound and the baby is still growing. Still not sure hope the baby can take being so squished in there. Right now the baby is measuring at 7 lbs 9 oz, still on pace to hit 10 lbs. WOW

Of course we did get more snow and made a mess. It snowed 3 inches this week then melted with how high the temps where this past week(40-50). Fun fun in the flood zone.

We will see if the baby comes early…I am hoping so for the sake of my wife.It seems like we are in a rat race right now. I am hoping that everything is worth it and think that it will be.


Lil Minion Update

I meant to do this earlier this week, but it has been crazy buzzy.Work I tell you it is always getting in the way.

My wife went in for a second ultrasound last week. Supposedly, she is measuring 4 weeks ahead of schedule.I am not that sure how they can tell for sure when we got pregnant consider my wife has a spotty cycle anyhow.

The doc told her that the baby might reach over 10 lbs if we do go full-term. We shall see I guess. Then the doc told my wife to consider a cesarean surgery. I am praying that does not happen:

1. We would like to have this lil minion exposed to as few drugs as possible.
2. We live in a 2 story house. It would rough for my wife to get upstairs  to sleep in our bed.

This worried me a bit so I will be going to the next appointment in a couple of weeks.

So that is all for the update so far.


Why the Name Change?

I figured that this name just fit a little bit better. With where I(my family and I) live this just flows a bit better.  The town where we reside have a whopping 800 people in it....good ole small town gossip...uggh. Anyways were was I....

 Plus,with us living in the Northwoods in Wisconsin I do quite a bit of stuff outside or offline like family,hunting, gardening, etc.

A dork is very much with what I am. Here is a quick defenition Dork: Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks.
So yeah this pretty much me as well. I will still be doing reviews, but I am planning on doing a different variety of content in my posts. I am keeping my url the same for now at least.

Thoughts on name change?


Ultrasound Tomorrow

It is going to be interesting tomorrow, we are going to be having a second ultrasound. It is due to the fact that my wife has been measuring between 10-14 days.I am figuring the they(the docs) will ne moving the due date up a little bit. My wife is in denial.

It would be kind of nice considering that my daughter has a dance recital in the middle of May. It would work out pretty good if the guess ate would be pushed up a little bit. Every parent know how crazy though first couple of weeks can be. The sleep deprivation getting up every couple of hours for feeding.

We will see how big the head is and the current wait for the lil minion.

For everyone, that is interesting I will keep everyone up-to-date with the news that we get from the tests tomorrow.

2004 Lena Girls State Trip

  This past weekend was something new for us. We decided to go to HS Girls State Basketball this year. It made it extra special that an area...