
Stroke of 10- Spooktoberfest

I decided to take be a part of a flash fiction contest for my favorite holiday.  He is a link to the rules that one of the wonderful hosts posted.I did have fun writing my story:) Enjoy.

As the bubbling white foam what boiling over for the rue from the cauldron that an old and hunchbacked man was looking over it with diligence. He was making sure that everything was set for tonight, it is Halloween after all. He was a lonely man living in Randleton, MA. 

He said to his calico cat,”This is a Halloween that nobody is town will ever forget.” He carved a dozen jack-o-lanterns with the finest razor that he could find. He made some elaborate faces that anyone would be aww struck to see. 

Inside the dark damp house, it has not been dusted is years or maybe decades. There were co-webs hanging from every corner of the house. The old broken down man had to add one more incident to complete the potion that would take over this town. The last incident can be added at the stroke of 10 o’clock AM.
He adjusted his spectacles while he looked at his pocket watch. It is 957, so he figured to get a key ingredient for the potion.

Hestepped up his ladder to his cupboard and reached ion the door. He pulled out a bottle.He looked at his and read the letter. "Yep it is the right stuff" he said out loud. I was vodka.. It was the perfect why to release his ghost and demons on such a great day. Who doesn't like a great mixed drink for the holidays. 

Then tonight he will be see the kids being accompanied by their parent(s) in sight of some candy or some tricks.


Legos Anyone?

You know what those are? You have to remember getting talked to about picking up ALL the pieces especially when or mom or dad steps on a piece in the middle of the night.

I was looking on Gizmodo and saw that there is going to be Hobbit themed Lego sets. Here is a pic of one of the set:

This one is going to be the more expensive set at $100.00. There are other sets available that will not kill your pocketbook. The set should be out by time the first part of The Hobbit hit theaters in December. You cannot tell me that you do not think that this sweet.
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Canning Frenzy

I cannot believe that our canning season is almost coming to a close for us. Who knows what else we may stumble across.The taste of freshness of summer/fall will be achieved throughout the cold Wisconsin winter as well.

Here is our tally thus far:
5 pints of jalapeno jelly
40 quarts of tomatos
2 quarts of tomato sauce
22 quarts of apple sauce 4 flavors(plain, blueberry, strawberry, and cinnamon spice) ....

we are also canning some pear butter for some friends

We are getting more tomatoes from some friends.Our shelf in the basement/cellar is getting pretty full. It is better that than the freezer.

Do any of you can, if so what do you process??
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2004 Lena Girls State Trip

  This past weekend was something new for us. We decided to go to HS Girls State Basketball this year. It made it extra special that an area...