
Getting Geared Up

I am still in awe that my little munchkin is going to be 1 year old(12 months) in less than a month. So that means the birthday party. It has been crazy trying to figure out what we(my wife and I) would like to do for the big day.

We are going to be having cupcakes(yummerz) strawberry and lemon all homemade. You cannot get anything better than that combo. Of course, that is the dessert. What will we be serving as the main course:
  • pork sandwiches
  • spud salad
  • hot dogs
  • cashew apple salad
  • homemade baked beans
  • beverages
Enhanced by Zemanta
All I have to say is this,"Where did the year go?" I demand an answer. It seems like it was yesterday that we brought home our little bundle of joy. She sure has grown so quickly before our eyes. It sure has been an adventure this past year  everyday learning something new about raising a little one.

2004 Lena Girls State Trip

  This past weekend was something new for us. We decided to go to HS Girls State Basketball this year. It made it extra special that an area...