
Welcome 2014

Boy where did that year go. It just seemed like yesterday that we were welcoming in 2013. I cannot believe a year has come and gone. Sometimes i wish that I go go back and tweak a thing or two that would have done differently.

As for reading,this year I will be doing something different. I am not going to set a book limit that I would like to read this year. Everyone on GoodReads sets the amount of book they plan on reading in 2014. I am going do more challeneges this year and read-alongs. So by doing this I am hoping to put less stress on the reading part of my life. Because lets face it reeading is fun and should be relaxing.

No more by the number for this guy. More quality


  1. Good luck! I didn't set any goals in 2013 and I had one of my worst reading years ever... I am trying to make it a bit better in 2014.

  2. Good plan! 2013 disappeared in a blink. I hope 2014 settles in and stays awhile. Wishing you all the best this new year.

  3. I just hope that I can stick to schedule..:)


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