
Putting Scott Lynch On Hold

I am currently reading the second book of Scott Lynch's Red Seas Under Skies. Gentlemen Bastards series. I think that I am going to see if my library has it in audiobook. It just seems like I just do not have the time to sit down and actually read this book. I have to get it back to the library..:((

With summer right around the corner the garden NEEDS to get in and the busy season is upon us all..;) I am jealous of the people that can sit down and just read for hours without interruptions...I sure do miss those days..lol.


  1. we got our garden in, but so far none of the seeds have sprouted, and an evil squirrel ate my little tomato plant. :( Tis the season for gardening and summer fun!

  2. I never get to read more than an hour a time.

  3. I've been trying to get through the Wheel of Time series for years now. There's an award for you on my blog.

  4. I find that I get a lot more reading done these days because I listen to audiobook versions of books:) 2 hours+ of commuting everyday gives me about a book or two a week:)


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